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Optical Illusions
Rot. Circles


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Panopticon of Optical Illusions, Visual Effects and Graphical Deceptions

It's no magic but the astonishing processes in our brains that makes the following visual deceptions possible...
This panopticon is just the start.

Please be careful: These pages may contain certain pictures, which have the potential of making sensitive observers crazy or even sick.
If you are feeling feel dizzy while watching this page, you should close these pages immediately!

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The grey horizontal lines are really parallel!


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The rotating circles

Keep looking to the center dot and move your head towards the screen and back...

rotating circles

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The Magic Rotating Circles

Rotating Circles - Click here Unbelievable: These magic circles are rotating, but only in your mind!
Believe us! This is no animation at all: You will see some circles rotate, except for those at which you are looking directly... Perform a hard copy: The circles are also rotating at your paper!
Click here for looking at them (Gif format: ~92 kBytes)!

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The toggling effect

What do you see: A face or a musician playing saxophone?
You should see both after a short while!

Toggling effect

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The shrinking haze

Keep staring to the center dot...
after a short while the gray haze around it will appear to shrink


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The appearing/disappearing black dots

Are you able to count all the black dots appearing here?


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Graphical confusion

How many legs does this elephant have? ;-)

Confusing elephant

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These letters aren't stepping out of line: They are absolutely parallel!

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Animation magic The same cube with different interpretations

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Grey shades at the shadow

This animation proves that field 1 and field 2 are having exactly the same brightness

Comparison of grey shades

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Star flight

First keep staring for at least 10 seconds to the center of the animation at the left picture -
then move your eyes as quick as possible to the center of the right black field ...
Most people will see for a short time lot of stars moving fast from the center to the edge - just like flying fast through some star cluster
BurstAnimation BlackField

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The Pinwheel

The pure horror may lie in this animation effect if you aren't prepared what you will see:
First keep staring for at least 15 seconds to the center of the animation that appears after clicking on this graphic. Please wait till you gets a bit dizzy -
then move your eyes as quick as possible to your hand at your mouse... haven't we promised too much?
Note: If you didn't see a fluent animation on your screen, your browser or your computer might have a problem showing animated gif pictures with larger size - In this case the effect doesn't work quite well :-( - To avoid this set your color resolution to less colors.
Pinwheel - Click here for animation

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Some specials

This floor seems to be bulged out, but actually it exclusively consists of squares.

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Another examples for this "distortion"
Distorted floor

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This "Kitaoka Spiral" actually consists of circles:
There is no way to follow the gray circles into the center!
Kitaoka Spiral 1

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Another "Kitaoka Spiral"
Kitaoka Spiral 2

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Some animation illusions

This flower field appears curved but consists of squares.
Also there appear some strange motion effects when moving your eyes, your head
or after smooth scrolling a little bit up and down...
flower field

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The Jitter Effect

The pale green and pink horizontal rows seem to to shift in both directions against each other
if you look at one of the red crosses between them...
Note: If this effect fails, please extend the watching distance to your screen!

Jitter effect

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The undulation of this waves are created only in your mind.


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The inner field starts moving
if you are scrolling smoothly this graphic up and down a little bit...
moving rays
moving tiles



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